
Esquema de colores

Esta opción define el esquema de colores y el resaltado de la sintaxis cuando ves el código del programa en el decompilador:

VB Decompiler Esquema de colores

Las opciones predefinidas son conservadas en la carpeta colores en archivos ini cuyos nombres coinciden con el nombre de las opciones predefinidas, el formato de esos archivos es simple y usted puede crearlos fácilmente y editar los archivos existentes.

El formato es como sigue:

Background = decimal color code (for example: 1973790)
Foreground = decimal color code (for example: 14671840)
KeyWords = decimal color code (for example: 13471849)
LocationsAndArguments = decimal color code (for example: 11849128)
Procedures = decimal color code (for example: 5676246)
; next properties is only available in version 12 or later
UnderCursorBackground = decimal color code (for example: 6986069)
UnderCursorForeground = decimal color code (for example: 1973790)
UseDarkMode = 0 or 1 (0 for Light Theme, 1 for Dark Theme)
Colors2 = 0 or 1 (using extended colors at Colors2 section)

Name = font name (for example: Consolas)
Size = font size (for example: 11)
KeyWordsBold = 0 or 1 (font bold)
LocationsAndArgumentsBold = 0 or 1 (font bold)
ProceduresBold = 0 or 1 (font bold)

; this section is only available in version 12 or later
TVFontName = Solution Explorer treeview font name or list of font names, separated by comma (for example: Segoe UI, Tahoma, Arial)
TVFontSize = size of the font (for example: 10)
FontName= = Decompiler and Disassembler font name or list of font names, separated by comma (for example: Courier New, Consolas, Liberation Mono, monospace)
FontSize = size of the font (for example: 11)
Background = BackColor in hexadecimal for Decompiler and Disassembler tab (for example: 1E1E1E)
Foreground = ForeColor in hexadecimal for Decompiler and Disassembler tab (for example: DFDFE0)
; code highllighting
Key = color in hexadecimal (for example: CD9069)
Comment = color in hexadecimal (for example: CD9069)
Char = color in hexadecimal (for example: B4CDA8)
Float = color in hexadecimal (for example: B4CDA8)
Hex = color in hexadecimal (for example: B4CDA8)
Number = color in hexadecimal (for example: B4CDA8)
String = color in hexadecimal (for example: 569CD6)
Symbol = color in hexadecimal (for example: DFDFE0)
; HEX Editor font and colors
HexFontName = font name or list of font names, separated by comma (for example: Courier New, Consolas, Liberation Mono, monospace)
HexFontSize = size of the font (for example: 11)
HexBackground = color in hexadecimal (for example: 1E1E1E)
HexForeground = color in hexadecimal (for example: DFDFE0)
HexGrid = color in hexadecimal (for example: 1E1E1E)
HexActiveFieldBackground = color in hexadecimal (for example: 1E1E1E)
HexOffsetBackground = color in hexadecimal (for example: 1E1E1E)
HexCurrentOffset = color in hexadecimal (for example: B4CDA8)
HexOddColumn = color in hexadecimal (for example: B4CDA8)
HexEvenColumn = color in hexadecimal (for example: B4CDA8)
HexOffset = color in hexadecimal (for example: 569CD6)

El código de color se especifica en formato de color verdadero de 32 bits. Decimal en una sección de Colores (para compatibilidad con versiones anteriores de VB Decompiler) y Hexadecimal en Colors2.

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