VB Decompiler Plugins

Version Checker

Version Checker plugin is designed to check for updates.

To check for updates go to menu "Plugins" and choose "Version checker".
If You are connected to the Internet and new version of program is
avaliable You will see a message "Current version: x.x New version: y.y".
If You have the newest version of VB Decompiler You will see a message
"You have the latest version. No need updates!"

VB Decompiler Plugin - Version Checker

Download file: versionchecker.zip
File size: 15 kb
Version: 1.0

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FRX Viewer

This plugin is a good way to see inside VB5/6 files and get all images from FRX data.
This plugin need .NET Framework 2.0 to start.

VB Decompiler Plugin - FRX Viewer

VB Decompiler Plugin - FRX Viewer 2

Download file: frxviewer.zip
File size: 11 kb
Version: 1.0

[ Download now ]


ShowRef is a DLL based plugin written for VB Decompiler to simplify
reference analyses. It analyses decompiled listing in active window
of VB Decompiler and showing them in plugin window.
These addresses can be viewed graphically, quickly follow through
decompiled listing to desired address or offset.

You can see number of found references on plugin form.
References are stored in listbox. Double click on item will open
a graphical representation of reference. Every double click on next
item will open a new graphical window next to last. If click on
already opened item on listbox, that window will brought to foreground.
Close button will close all active graphic windows and end up plugin session.
You may choose different decompiled module without re-loading plugin.

VB Decompiler Plugin - ShowRef

Download file: showref.zip
File size: 54 kb
Version: 2.1

[ Download now ]

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